on iPod touch -- opinions?

Does anyone use on iPod touch?  What do you think of the video quality?

It works...decent enough on my laptop.  But I am curious to know if anyone has tried this on their iPod touch (don't have one yet, but would consider it).


  1. I watched a couple innings here and there on my iPhone during April when it was free. It's okay quality using wifi, probably about what you'd expect. I didn't really try when out of wifi range, though.

    I also couldn't see myself watching a two and half hour game on my phone, though.

  2. I have watched game before on my IPhone (same screen as the iTouch). I can't say it was perfect, but in a pinch, it works.

  3. I watched a few games on my iPhone with the free preview and the video quality was average. The screen is just too small really. It is very hard to see how many men are on base, the score and the outs displayed on the screen which can be frustrating.

  4. On the iPhone it really is small, but I use it more to listen to games while I am driving. If you get stuck in traffic you get the added bonus of being able to watch a bit while at a standstill. For the most part it works well on wifi, and except for a couple situations well when away from it as well.

  5. Awesome -- thanks so much everybody for chiming in! That helps a ton. I hadn't found a lot of good info searching the web.

  6. Hey Dave,
    I had this on my iTouch last year, work pretty well—I just didn't watch enough of those other games to spend that money again. Did get the MLB At Bat '11 for the Touch this year. I usually listen to the day games while I'm work and find myself at times drifting to sleep at night to Vin Scully (and this is coming from a Die Hard Red Sox fan). Still can't believe this guy does it all.

  7. Can I second that? Vin Scully is incredible, and I often have the same experience at night!


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