Tribute to 1911 Pinkerton Cabinet - Albert Pujols

Albert Pujols, Saint Louis N L
Tribute 1911 Pinkerton Cabinet
by Goose Joak

This was a bit of a departure, but a heck of a lot of fun. Wow.

I'd never heard of this set. I happened upon it for the first time last night, and I tend to think these are pretty cool. I love the industrial-era feel of the photography and ballpark. Here's the one I saw first --"Hans" Wagner:

For cards with so much photo manipulation, it's always fun to look back at the original picture when I'm done. Here's the original Pujols:

If only I had photoshopped Pujols into into an olde time uniform. Now that'd be something cool.

A tip of the cap to the always excellent Schruender for the suggestion.


  1. Very cool. I had never seen this set before.

  2. Didn't know my request would be so easily obliged. I wish I had asked for a new car instead now...

  3. Haha, not sure I could have accommodated that kind of a request so easily.


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